yet…impossible  is only a word that can never be forever..


because we integrate through what ever passes our paths..

because we integrate our paths into our lives… thus making impossible realities only figments of imaginations…

because inside of us all, and no matter what we have covering us, that craving to live with integrity is something solidified in our souls… [or so one hopes…]

Some people listen to themselves rather then listen to what other say these people don’t come along very often but when they do they remind us that once you set up in a path even though critics may doubt you its okay to belive that there is no can’t, woun’t or impossible they remind us it’s okay to believe impossible is nothing”

DP: Nick Montalvo
 Steadycam Op: Mickey Micklos
 Editor: Aristani Alvarez
 Casting: Kristian Sorge
 Makeup: Shane McGowin
 PA: Blake Cortes
 Older Son: Josh Collins
 Younger Son: Jake Schwartz
 Mother: Elly-Anne Ehrman
 Father: Henry Packer