the understanding of surrounding lives is a task that does not just get composed from a well established mind and spirit, but also from a composition of a life that craves to be understood.
to understand surrounding souls is to reach a long road to perfection from within one’s self, and a comfort streaming path to lead others into the understanding of what we can do to have a so called perfect life…
yet at the same time, we fear it, not because of being scared of it, because we fear being labeled from it, and why is that so i may hear you ask? simply because we fear the knowledge of what it can to us as beings on a path, but still, we do crave it, and even from our childhood, we dream of a dream to become sheltered with perfection..
Production: Creable Films - Producer: Roman Wyden Writer/Director/Editor: John X. Carey - Cinematography:Chris Saul -- Featuring: Maria Rosa Reifler - [email protected] Music: The Cinematic Orchestra: "That Home"; Frightened Rabbit: "Skip The Youth".